Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Do you know who you're praying to?

Have you heard of sermon jams? What happens is sermons are taken apart and reassembled with the best lines from the sermon to somewhat compact it. It's then put to music. Well I did that. I used the Francis Chan sermon from challenge '08 and then created the music for the background.

This is a good reminder that we need to remember who we are praying to. It's the God of the universe, and He cares enough about us to listen to us. Remembering who He is is essential in how we approach Him.


  1. Awesome mix! It's thought provoking.

  2. The last comment was from Dad.

  3. thanks for the clarification dad.

  4. It truly humbles me to know that the Sovereign God, who created everything, desires to be in a relationship with me! What a privilege we have been given that we can boldly come before His throne of grace!

  5. I really enjoyed listening to this, Dan. Truly a comfort to know I have this privilege.
    Mrs. Nyquist

  6. Great job Dan! You should do more like this.
    Christine Stephens
