Monday, January 24, 2011

Can God really forgive ME?

Can God really forgive me?

"You don't know what I've done. I've done some things that you can't even imagine. I know He's real and that He does forgive some people, but not me; I've made some mistakes that I have to live with for the rest of my life. I regret it, but it's too late now."

Does that sound familiar?

Or how about this:

"I'm stuck in this sin. I just cannot stop. I really don't think God can forgive me again."

These are legitimate questions, and I think more of us have struggled with them at some point or another than we would like to admit. I know I have.

Whether God's forgiveness is a struggle that is keeping you from a relationship with Him, or you've had a relationship with Him and are worried He's just going to give up on you, don't worry; there is hope. Just stick with me for a second.

It's hard knowing that Jesus died for our sin. I feel guilty about it, I mean, it is my fault. I think the popular song has it right when it says, "it was our sin that held Him there." But here's the thing, He knew what He was doing. John 10:17-18 explains that He freely chose to lay down His life for us. He knew what He was getting Himself into and yet He did it anyway! That's how much He loves us. He let us kill Him. If He can forgive us for that, He can forgive us for anything.

So instead of doubting Him, thank Him.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

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