So it's been quite a while since I posted, and I don't even have that good of a reason. I was busy with school finishing for the semester, but even once that was over I just never sat down and did it; but that time is over, I just got back from Passion 2010 (an amazing conference) and basically am bursting at the seems. I've told people about it, but i still have more to let out, so here you go.
There were many great speakers with many great points, but for now, I'm just going to talk about one speaker, and one point. That is, Beth Moore and her second point.
2. "God equips us by adjusting us."
This may not seem too meaningful or deep, or even applicable. I mean, okay, he adjusts me, but what difference does that really make in my life, and what does that even look like? I mean I'm adjusted, but to what and why? Beth explained that God often intentionally puts us in situations in which we don't fit. When we are there, we need some adjusting, and that doesn't mean we need our situation adjusted. It also doesn't mean that we need the people to be adjusted; what it does often mean is that we need to adjust to the people. What this involves is a change in attitude and perspective, and these lead to a change in character, God's goal in that whole process.
So were put in situations we don't fit in, with people we can't stand and we need to love them, and we need a change in character to do this. Beth explained that we need to adjust to the people that bring out the worst in us, so that God can bring out the best in us.
This whole process of adjusting is really Him just refining us. It's obviously hard, and it hurts at times, but the goal is to become more pure. It reminds me of this story I once heard. A woman, curious about what the process of the refinement of gold looked like went to a blacksmith. When she got there she asked him how it happens, and what he does in the process. He explains he holds the metal there in the fire watching it closely, feeling the heat. He never stops watching it, worried he might melt it. She then asked him how he knew when it was done, and he quickly replied, 'oh that's easy, when I can see my reflection in it.' I think that's just such a great image of what God does with us. He puts us through the hard times in order to purify us, but He's right there with us the whole time, and we're not done until we properly reflect Him.
So God adjusts and refines us, and as the point says, he does this to equip us. What is he equipping us to do? Let's look at Hebrews 13 to find out. Verses 20 and 21 say:
May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
So God is equipping us, through adjustment and refinement, to do His will. We're made to do good things, and to fulfill His will, which ultimately leads to His glory.
So don't fight it, and the next time you don't fit in, don't adjust the surroundings, but allow God to adjust you. It's for His glory.